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CityLIfe: Captured, Scene and Unseen

Collaged image of sample artwork from CityLife online exhibition

The New York Artists Circle presents
CityLife: Captured, Scene and Unseen

Featuring works by 25 artists reflecting Urban Society
Curated by Lori Horowitz and Kathleen Migliore-Newton
Link to Exhibition:

Please join us for the Virtual Opening on Zoom
Monday, February 6, 7:00pm
Link to Zoom meeting:

"The collision and intermingling of these millions of foreign born people representing so many races and creeds make New York a permanent exhibit of the phenomenon of one world." — E. B. White

Amidst the choreography of the street, people can maintain their privacy or reach for connection. Avoidance vs. Interaction, Anonymity vs. Recognition. Cultural signals, economic differences and social issues are woven throughout this vast sea of humanity. CityLIfe explores the theme of "the acceptance of diversity, perhaps out of necessity, which makes the city a rich experience." We engage in many different situations that inspire us as artists to reflect and share the human condition within the congestion and structure of city life. This show is the second in a series of exhibitions focusing on different aspects of the City.

Selected Artists: Audrey Anastasi, Bascove, Fran Beallor, Margaret Zox Brown, Karin Bruckner, Sandra Cavanagh, Irene Christensen, Elisa Decker, Norma Greenwood, Barbara Griffiths, Lori Horowitz, Sandra Indig, Diana Kurz, Arthur Kvarnstrom, Kathleen Migliore-Newton, Luis Mijangos-Castellanos, Helene Mukhtar, Leah Poller, Peggi Pugh Gottlieb, Regina Silvers, Barbara Swanson Sherman, , Barbara Slitkin, Sandra Taggart, Ellen Wallenstein and Ella Yang.

I am pleased to be represented by this painting:

BQE Overpass in Gowanus, oil on canvas, 12” x 16”

If you are interested in acquiring this painting, please contact me directly. Thank you!