I Joined Another Artists Organization

What can I say? I’m a joiner! For several years I had heard about a group of local Brooklyn artists, the Park Slope Windsor Terrace Artists, and knew that they held open studios and organized exhibits. Since I have always had a studio in Gowanus, it never occurred to me that I would be eligible to join. A few months ago I learned that as a resident of Park Slope, I could apply to join, which I did immediately and was accepted pretty soon afterwards.

I’ve always believed that there is more power in numbers and that a group can accomplish more than an individual. A strong group of 60 artists, the mission is to showcase the artwork of its members through open studios, group exhibitions, pop up shows in local venues, and social media marketing. Learn more about the group here: https://www.artspswt.com/

Do you have a business or a street-facing window in our neighborhoods of Park Slope, Greenwood Heights, and Windsor Terrace? Any and all opportunities to showcase our artwork will be greatly appreciated! Please send me an email if you’d like to partner with us.