A small interior view almost finished

livingrm8I made a lot of progress today on this painting I started a few days ago.  I'd had this cozy scene in mind for a long time. I'm adding it to what's turning into a series of small paintings (this is #3) about corners of rooms, where light plays a strong role in the feeling of the space.  In this painting, I wanted to capture the cozy, warm atmosphere of a late afternoon and a comfy armchair.  Only thing missing is a fireplace! It was nice to play with the warm reds and oranges  contrasting against the cool greens and blue-ish reds, especially on a day when it was 10 degrees F when I headed to my studio.  I think it's almost finished; I'll decide later after it's dried. Colors can "sink" while drying. Go to "Works in Progress" to see the how I developed this painting.