Oil sketch in Prospect Park

The forecast was for partly cloudy in the morning and then threats of rain and thunderstorms in the afternoon (so, what's new?!).   My first instinct was to head down Union Street and capture the pretty flowerpots adorning  the stoop of one particular brownstone, but then I remembered that I left my Julian half-easel at my studio. So,  I grabbed my pochade box and headed out to Prospect Park for the morning to see what I could see (I need somewhere to sit if I'm going to use my pochade box).  Lots of greens, a cool breeze in the shade and not too many people about. Perfect! I settled on this scene: Prospect Park, east path looking north

There was an empty park bench in the shade.  Here's my setup with the view in the background:

View of path and pochade box on park bench

And, here's a closer view of the painting and palette. I may make this a habit for the rest of the summer!


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