Welcoming in 2015

Happy New Year! After an incredibly productive year, I am as grateful as ever to my family, friends, patrons, and supporters for enabling me to "Live the life you've imagined" (Henry David Thoreau).  So, here I am kicking off 2015...

I spent three hours yesterday just cleaning up my studio. There were several paintings I had brought back from Brooks Brothers Manhasset (there are still several paintings there on view!) to show a buyer, plus paintings from my last solo show at 440 Gallery, boxes and foam wrap piled against a wall, and the remains of a private lesson I gave the week before Christmas. It felt good to put paintings and boxes away into my shelving units and throw out old packaging materials. It felt less good to scrape off and throw out the paint I had left on my palette - I was too optimistic about being able to get back there before all things Christmas took over my days. I should have taken some photos of the mess, but really, who wants to see that?! 

A large contractor trash bag and a box of recyclable paper left the studio with me. I left one of the three commissioned paintings (all are of Park Slope brownstones!) that are underway on my easel. I can't wait to get back to painting! Once those are finished, I have another large, 4'x5', painting of waterlilies to go back to and a commission for a Rocky Mountain landscape to start. This may keep me busy until spring!