Blush-worthy Accolades

Late last summer I received an email which I took at first to be some sort of art scam. But it wasn't of the usual variety with odd grammar, the buyer about to move to another country which would involve a moving company that would pick up paintings, a fake check for much more than the sale of a painting or two requiring a refund from me.  In fact, the email was from, in other words the US Department of State. It turns out that I had registered to be an Art in Embassies artist partner recently (scary, but I have no recollection of doing this, but indeed I found my profile with my paintings... maybe I need to slow down?!), and the curator had selected three of my landscape paintings for an Ambassadorial residence.

Morning View of Wellfleet Harbor, oil on cradled panel, 12"x12"

Morning View of Wellfleet Harbor, oil on cradled panel, 12"x12"

View from Mohegan Bluffs, oil on linen, 14"x14"

View from Mohegan Bluffs, oil on linen, 14"x14"

Sledding Home, oil on canvas, 16" x 20"

Sledding Home, oil on canvas, 16" x 20"

They were picked up by professional art craters/movers in October. And a couple of weeks ago, I received this letter:

I think this ranks amongst the top fan letters I've ever received.... mostly because of the fancy letterhead! Wouldn't you agree this is "blush-worthy?"